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 Junior Primary School Admissions,


Here at JPS Cecily Lourens is always ready to receive new applications for admission to the school. She is in charge of the administration in the admissions department. Please contact her for any enquieries or any information that is needed.


Cecily also makes sure that the learners records are kept up to date and that all necessary data in given through to the Department of Education on a daily basis.


Cecily also plays nurse to the sick ones and takes very good care of the little ones.

Language Policy

Taalbeleid en Language policy to follow, awaiting updated versions.



Junior Primêre Skool Finansies,


Waar sou ons gewees het as daar nie iemand in beheer van ons finansies was nie? Naomi van der Westhuizen maak seker dat die skoolfonds ingevorder word en as daar ander fondse inkom, dat nie een sent mis getel word nie.


Naomi reik die rekeninge elke maand stiptelik uit, waarop die ouers dan voor of op die 7e van elke maand hul betalings moet doen.

To request more information:

Contact the Admissions Office

Mon-Fri 7:30am - 13:00pm

Tel: 053 631 3203

You can also request more information with this form:

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